A Tall Tale is a story with unbelievable elements, related as if they were true and factual.
- fundamental element of American Folk Literature
- origins seen in the bragging contests that often occurred when the rough men of the American frontier gathered
• Myth and Tall Tale line is distinguished by age
- myths exaggerate the exploits of their heroes
- tall tales the exaggeration looms large, to the extent of becoming the whole story
Four things all Tall Tales have in common:
1) The main character has a regular job but is larger-than-life or superhuman in his or her abilities
2) The character has a problem or problems that he or she solves in a funny way
3) Details in the story are exaggerated beyond belief
4) Characters use everyday language and are like common people in behavior
Exaggeration is the major element in Tall Tales
• Tall Tale heroes are bigger or stronger than real people even when the tale is based on a real person
• Many tall tales are based on actual people or on a composite of actual people
• a tall tale is a story the narrator does not believe but which is supposed to fool the naive listener
- told in straight faced manner for the purpose of presenting "true" pictures of 19th century life
• during this time real and legendary exploits were inseparable
American Values in Tall Tales
• gargantuan physical courage
• sense of humor for the truly absurd
• frontier expansion
• independence, male bonding
• chivalry
• control of the environment
• dominance by physical strength
• "one-ups-man-ship"
- a very american trait that is critical to the spreading of tall tales. Each successive storyteller tries to add something more outrageous to the tall tale as he or she is telling it
• Heroes of tall tales were unique American pioneers and, like the land itself, they were gigantic, extravagant, restless, and flamboyant
- they had no use for modesty
- bragged outrageously about their capacity for fighting, drinking, lovemaking, swearing, and hard work
• some real men, others various conglomerations of historical fact, storytelling of ordinary people, and the imagination of professional writers
• They are creations of American Mass Media and we see them continuously recreated and reborn in books and films
The Code
• 3 sacred promises that appear to provide both independent motivation and male bonding for tall tale characters
1) Respect the land
2) Defend the defenseless
3) Never spit in the presence of women and children (the act of spitting is a male bonding experience apparently)
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